When Pilot released the next generation of pens called “FriXion”, which are advertised as erasable, it didn’t take long for a quilter to discover that….
touching the markings with an iron made them ‘disappear’!
Though they were not created for this purpose, this new pen is storming the sewing/quilting market. Just don’t freeze your fabric – before the project is washed, or the ink color will be restored.
I carry these pens in the 6 color set, plus some others – so you are sure to find one that shows up on any fabric.
In fact, at the Houston Quilt Market – FriXion booth – we were shown that the green highlighter pen has a residue that actually shows white on dark fabrics!
Save on the 6 color set at my website by clicking on the 6 piece assorted color set.

FriXion Erasable Pens – 6 piece set