Quick & EZ Sweatshirt + T-Shirt Top Sewing Pattern - PDF Delivery
Quick & EZ eClass to Create this Pullover Top using a Sweatshirt and a T-Shirt
This eClass consists of slides of the design/construction process along with my personal audio explaining each photo/slide.
It also includes a download link to my pattern pieces for a sweatshirt jacket Front, Back and Sleeves.
To 'listen' through the class takes a bit less than 30'.
You will receive a 'download' in your email order receipt.
Click on that download.
Up will come instructions with a link to copy and paste into your browser online.
That will take you to the video for this product.12-8-22: I've been having a problem with the pattern piece portion of the auto download - so watch for an email from me with those pieces attached.
If you EVER have a question, just email Londa at londa@londa-sewing.com for her help.