It was a good day – though I can tell you I’d MUCH rather design and sew than get all the directions written down and spoken (for the new Talking Pattern concept!). I’ll be on a roll taping into my computer and then along comes a train or a plane… Grrrr. Here is a photo of the jacket I finished up today. Not the ‘official’ photo – but what I have for now. This is the same design basically as the one from a few days ago with the sweater used for collar and cuffs, but I wanted to test and figure out using a woven fabric cut on the bias for the collar. It worked!

I have decided to take pre-orders on this new pattern – it should be available Sept. 23. Here is the link where you can do a pre-order:–Londas-Talking-Pattern-p24600.html
Tonight I’m trying to figure out this Twitter stuff…
For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads –