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HUNT for reversible knits!

One of the most fun parts of doing the Sewing Expos is seeing all the neat clothing on our fashion-conscious customers! Often self-created, but also store-bought (RTW = Ready-To-Wear). I always keep my camera handy and when I ask permission, most often the wearer is flattered and I get to take pictures. This is really where I get lots of the ideas that end up in my Creative Sweatshirt Jacket Talking Patterns™. I honestly forget if this gal was at the Novi or the Chantilly shows I just completed, but the ‘dust has settled’ and I’m wading through ideas I got at those shows. Check out this jacket – it is a single knit – meaning that the crosswise edge WILL curl – usually to the right side – and that means also that the knit itself looks like stockinette stitch on one side, vertical, and horizontal ribs on the reverse side. That being said, this jacket was made of one of those knits which, in addition, had a different character on both sides – dark grey heather on one side and lighter grey on the other. Anyway – FIRST- a straight UN-pleated strip of the same fabric, with the opposite side up – about 1.5″ wide was stitched down along the hemline, stitching about 3/4″ from the top raw edge. . (To keep the knit body from stretching out of shape ala ‘roller coaster’ look, I would advise STAYING where you are going to stitch, on the INSIDE with Straight Fusible Stay Tape.) Then – kinda like all the rag quilts, the 3/4″ edge above the stitching was simply cut into every 1/2″ or so perpendicularly TO the stitching.

THEN – the box-pleated row ruffle was added on top – opposite side of the fabric ‘up’. The ‘ruffle’ was really box pleated row of trim – cut about 2.5″ wide, cut edge ‘finishing’ both edges. If I were going to mark and stitch all that, I would certainly make use of the Simflex Gauge to do the marking – as this wonderful crazy tool automatically evenly spaces things.

It appeared to be stitched about 1/2″ from the top edge, right on top of the other trim’s stitching, and then the opposite side flopped down over top of the stitching creating the ‘double’ row of light colored fabric you see. Remember- raw edges everywhere, as knits do NOT ravel!

Look at the collar – it appeared to be a double layer – with ‘wrong’ or light sides together, simply stitched about 1/4″ away from all the edges.

Next, check out the little gathered ruffle, raw edge, stuck into the top of the sleeve cap seam. Then, the diagonal row of embellishment down the center fronts appeared to be a hand-whipped strip of rolled fabric.

Finally, up the Center Back, it was stitched wrong sides together, seam allowance exposed on the right side to emphasize a nice slimming vertical line. RAW edges again!

So thanks – whoever you were – I lost your name, sorry! But be sure we appreciate your great taste i RTW! If you find a great reversible knit online, post it as a comment for the rest of us here at this post. Remember, I must approve all posts before they show up – so feel free to send me a quick email alerting me that you posted.

Sew………beware when you visit my booth – I just may photo and ‘pick’ at your great clothing!

For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads –

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