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Spring Quilt Market Review

OK – back and recovered for a few days now from Spring Quilt Market in Minneapolis…..and caught up on business here at home – and I guess ‘recuperated’!

Quilt Market is held 2 times a year: once in the spring and it travels around the country – and then the other time in late October in Houston, right before the infamous Quilt Festival. Market is where shop owners, designers, distributors, etc. go to actually place orders for their shops and businesses from …. people like myself: pattern designers (of which there are UNTOLD numbers!), fabric manufacturers (the REAL draw!), trim people…about everything and anything you can imagine might be sold in a fabric/quilt shop. It is where shop owners go to ‘find something new’, find out what is ‘hot’, etc.

A booth selling SuperMan fabric even brought in a bonafide Phone Booth! Amazing… To put it simply – I was honored to be a part of this event. It is certainly a testament to HARD WORK – takes most of us a full day to cart in and set up a booth – and untold hours of preparation besides. It is really good old USA Capitalism – meaning WORKING FOR a LIVING at its best. imho…..

Twas quite an experience! I was there ‘peddling’ my own line of Talking Patterns™ (which received rave reviews by the way!), book and DVD. My new Genesis Too™ pattern was extremely well received due to having made the samples in current quilt fabrics, and having a Teacher’s Outline available to help utilize it in classes and workshops. My friend/helper Von went with me and had a VERY good time shopping! Though you’re not supposed to ‘sell product’, but only take orders – HMMMMM – quite a different story. I sure took product so they could take home – saving us both shipping expense! Many others did the same thing – and if minimums weren’t met, were happy to sell at retail. Let’s just say Von has plenty of ‘work’ cut out for her! 🙂 She was great at ‘sniffing’ things out for me though! I’m VERY excited about what I found to offer MY customers at Londa’s Creative Threads website and expos around the country. My head is SPINNING with new ideas, interpretations of my jackets on which to use all these great ideas and products!

Some things to share. First – I just must state that the effort that vendors go to in order to make spectacular booths AMAZED US! The first photo above is of a chest covered with a wire GATE, covered with glass! Just too cool an idea for a coffee table, or any kind of table. Under the glass – see the memorabilia? Then – on the legs that supported the gate – were big old bed springs – or what looked like that. TOO CUTE~!!

Am always after new ideas for decorating – even display in my booth, so in the 2nd photo the arrangement of bars held by fabric caught my eye. Sending to all of you – and Dear Daughter-Mother of my #1 perfect Grandson – for an idea of displaying his artwork. If you look hard under the purse at the pattern, you can see that it is anchored by a push pin from the back of this huge painted bar – like a huge popsicle stick.

The 3rd photo was just a very nice room setting all created with quilt fabric. The chest really caught my eye especially – the fabric glued to the drawer covers.

Look carefully around the top of the 4th photo (sorry – don’t know how to get photos by verbage ) to see the penants made of the quilt fabric. How fun is that?!? And a 2nd grader on up could help make those for their room! What a fun summer project…

Below – is the RUSH of Sample Spree held the first night. My conclusion: not a one of these eager buyers has ANY fabric! Yea – right!!!!! The fabric manufacturers give spectacular buys on fabric at this crazy night. And these ladies PAY $10 to get in! We decided that basically, the customers want ALOT but for a steal of a price. Was an experience to behold – crazy ladies (mostly) shopping!

This is Art Felt. The most amazing new thing’ – at least to me – that we found. It’s not needle felting. It’s not wet felting. It’s not fulling. It’s Artfelt®.

My starting order is on its way – and I can’t wait to get my hands on this. I envision it in the collar on one of my Creative Sweatshirt Jackets! Like especially Esther from my book, Creative Sweatshirt Jackets…Londa’s Way, which everyone thinks is felted fabric anyway. The ‘secret’ is the paper – which is of potato starch. During the process, it gives you something to ‘felt to’. Then- after agitation (which they say is all that is needed – wetness plus agitation – the drier), you pour boiling water over it to dissolve it. It’s kinda like the Solvy Scarf idea – you stitch the ribbons to water-soluble Solvy Stabilizer, then wash it all and the Solvy disappears…well – this is the same! More once it comes in and I get to PLAY! Ohhhhh – and the roving colors, mixes – absolutely breath-taking! Gives me goose bumps remembering…..!!!!! Can’t wait – can’t wait – can’t wait!

I was tickled to death to see amazing, luscious FABRIC as selected by Linda Lee from the Sewing Workshop available at my main supplier! So – OF COURSE I have some ordered – be on the watch for it to arrive soon.

Trims Trims and more TRIMS. I was on the lookout for a good, narrow black – and I found that, plus GOLD, plus great yarns, decorative threads. In my mind – all for my Creative Sweatshirt Jackets – but just fun to offer on my site and in my booth at expos for your creating pleasure. Can’t wait – can’t wait!

Did see the Roll the Gold 45 mm Rotary Blade there too…then, when I got home, it finally arrived in stock. This blade is Titanium nitride coated steel…which WILL last longer than your everyday rotary blade! Installed mine on my favorite Dritz (pressure activated) and Clover Rotary Cutters last night. I have a few garments to whip up in the next few weeks – so they’ll get a workout. Two blades for $11.95 – not too bad – if they last longer – which I’m pretty sure they are destined to do!

For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads –

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