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Gift-Making Ideas for Kids to Sew

Since my focus in life these days is teaching kids to sew, and the gift-making season is upon us, here is a collection of ideas for you to consider.  Any of these will accomplish BOTH goals:  making a gift and teaching kids to sew.  The BONUS? Planting the beauty of giving gifts they've made themselves in their hearts and minds!

Hand-Sewn Gift Ideas


girl happy with felt bird

My 6-8/9  yr students have LOVED making these simple felt shape ornaments!  They learn how to thread a needle, tie a knot, and the whip-stitch.  I took off from this system by Winky Cherry, as you can still find available in the series published by Palmer & Pletsch up on good old  HERE is the link.  then...they progress onto making dolls and dressing them.  Again - all in FELT. 

After MUCH experimentation, a Size 18 Chenille Needle is absolutely perfect for little hands...with a tip just sharp enough to easily go through the felt, and a super big-sized eye for easy threading.  I always get amused that EVERY child I've taught so far starts out calling thread as 'string'.  My mantra:  "We sew with THREAD and fly kits with STRING".  And..."Needles have eyes and Pins have heads."

I always start kids out using DOUBLE thread (both ends pulled even, and knot in both together) as sewing with a single strand and keeping it from NOT un-threading is impossible until they are more advanced in hand sewing.  For a GREAT technique for tying a knot - they CAN learn and love this technique as I teach at my YouTube Channel HERE.

STANDING CARD HOLDER is a great gift for both very young and very old hands alike…AND fosters old-time classic card-playing games during family holiday gatherings.  Click HERE for the post with all of the how-tos.  All you’ll need is felt, perle cotton, those Size 18 Chenille Needles, and plastic cross-stitch canvas.

For a constant stream of projects for new Sewers age 6 and up – ‘Like’ my Facebook Page for Londa’s Sunroom Sewing Studio HERE

Within the photo albums at that page, you’ll see kids in action and more ideas.

For great projects for Kids ON the sewing machine, stay tuned for my next post!

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