YeA!!!! Every stitch is done on my dress! I must say – it looks better on the body than on this hanger – butat least it is done. Friend/expert Tina convinced me NOT to change the top – so I didn’t. She said a friend in movie sewing uses panty liners as dress shields! So – think I’ll try that to asuage my worries about perspiration. Did a regular double fold as you go fine hem on the chiffon layer AFTER I had shaped and pinned the under layer of satin back crepe. To hem that, Tina suggested the rolled hem foot – so that’s what I used. Worked beautifully – but just didn’t work on the chiffon. What she did was pin a row of pins 10″ from the floor with the dress on and my heels on – that gave me a design referenc point. I kept it longer in back, and then it cuves up tothe dress’ left side front interest. Especially for having lost an entire back chiffon skirt piece, I think it turned out pretty well. Cross that one off my list!
I’ve also finished the white polka dot dress (see last post for pics) for her Rehearsal Dinner dress. We both like it. Now to just take a slightly wet sponge to make SURE all the cat hair is off it so she doesn’t sneeze all night! What a terrible mother I am to have 2 cats I love to keep me company during the day!!! The inside of this one is lined in silk. I’m putting up the remaining 5 yards of silk lining on my website soon…don’t need that around.
Just a bustle loop to put on the back of that Bridal Gown….and I even stitched the 3-D flowers on the veil the other night. Yes, I said STITCHed. Every one of them…
Now have some baby bibs to make – for my sisters’ daughters’ first baby due in July. That will be fun and a change of pace!
AND – to clean up the dining room. I’m a bit tired of seeing it as a workroom – all messy as I seem to have to be to get anything done!
Also sprayed some white hydrangeas with a bit of pink spray paint this morning…and reminds me of something to share about keeping spray cans from clogging up. Years ago, I managed a craft store – and the owner was vehement about every time we used a spray of any type, that we tip it upside down, and spray til nothing came out – thus clearing that little tube. I’ve done that ever since,and it really does help cans not get ‘clogged’. Try it…
For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads – http://www.londas-sewing.com