A new magazine arrived in the mail yesterday and these 2 pictures hit this Grandma over the head regarding design. For what it’s worth…here is my opinion regarding appropriate prints in garments…..

If you ask yourself the questions I state above, my answers would be:
Left Photo: I ONLY see the dress. I feel one should dress to flatter the person – NOT to show off the dress. Which, after all, is most important if you ultimately value the PERSON and not the THING??? Personally, I could see the print of the dress on the left on a bed, but that’s about all. My opinion…
Right Photo: I see the little girl IN the dress. The scale of the print is appropriate for the little girl. In much the same way, I wouldn’t put this great polka dot or popular fret print fabric (both of which my daughter would LOVE) on my sweet little granddaughter.

Like that slick way I showed off my grand baby??? Doll is her first – along with quilt that Nana here lovingly made for her.
Express YOUR opinions in the Comments below.