Last Christmas Season, when packing up the ornaments, I kept out these 3 promising myself to share them with my customers the next season. They are SO cute – and made by my son in Scouts YEARS ago (since he’s now 28!). Using clothepins, some felt, sequins, yarn, paint, pom poms and glue… these would be great fun to create with children. Cookies get eaten and are gone forever, so consider having some fun with these treasures.

I call this one the donkey. He takes 2 wooden clothespins. Each leg is obviously a full clothespin, with black painted on each tip for hooves. Underneath the green felt ‘saddle, is the center section of the 2nd clothespin. Metallic ric rac and sequins are glued onto the saddle. The top 1.5″ turned upside down is the head. See – his ‘nose’ is the round, top of the clothespin. Red yarn is tied around his ‘nose’ – the indentation. Eyes and nostrils are dabs of black paint. “Mane” is red and green yarn tufts, tied, and glued to the top. The ‘neck’ between the had and the legs is just one side of the 2nd clothespin – 2.125″ long. Yarn tail is more tufts of red and green yarn, larkshead knotted around the top – like a tassel, and glued to his rear end. Just TOO cute as he strides a branch of your tree.

Above, find the Reindeer. Another view is below. This one takes 3 clothepins. Two are glued right side by side, with a brown pom pom for a tail. The 3rd is glued upside down and sticking up, the pin part of the clothespin for the antlers. Shakey eyes and a pom pom for the nose, and 2 holly shaped green felt pieces at the top of the head. My guy has had a nose-ectomy – he seems to be without his nose right now. Red yarn is tied aroudn his ‘neck’ for a tree top hanger.
Below, Little Drummer Boy appears to take the most ‘stuff’ and work. Just one wooden clothespin to do him though. Face painted on the top part – apears to be done with a fine Sharpie Pen. Red pom pom for the hat. Legs painted red. Shirt painted white. A teeny hole was drilled through the chothespin for a pipecleaner to be inserted for arms. A little circle of wood is painted white, and a braid glued around it for the drum. Black middy braid goes crix cross in the front, around the neck, and then around his waist and down each leg. He can just sit right on a branch, like the donkey.
Have Fun! Make a memory – spend TIME with those kids. My collection will be kept OUT again this year – praying that next year my little grandson, Cole and I will have lots of fun making them together. I think my plan will be to at least get everything gathered and ready to do it BEFORE Thanksgiving. We’ll see……………
Grateful for all the blessings God has bestowed on my family this year…AND for you as great customers!

For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads –