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Button-Bustin’ Proud of my Girl

Had the joy of paging through my dear daughters’ (27) ‘House Idea” Folder with her last night…what fun! She and hubby are about to close on their first house – and she’s obviously been dreaming and collecting and vicariously ‘feathering’ her nest for quite awhile now… Conclusions: 1. She has the creative bug – THAT’s for sure! She must have caught it – that is exciting! 2. That sewing machine I gave her (and everything notions-wise to use it) will soon be broken out of it’s case – especially since she’s 2 hours away from ole’ Mom here. 3. There is nothing she doesn’t think she can do! How awesome is that?!? Even hard wood floors – Wow!

Anyway – I borrowed a couple of her tear-out sheets cause I thought you sewing gals might find these ideas interesting…

How cute and clever is that! Lace tacked into side of makeup drawer to hold things in place!

In all the pillow-making I’ve done over the years – I don’t think I ever did what you see above – simple Knife edged pillows with different sides. How simple is that???

Avoiding ‘Dog-Earred’ Pillows… Reminds me of something I learned from a Singer Sewing Reference Library book on Home Dec – which I can NOT find anywhere now – when she could use them – though I DO think I loaned all of those to her back when she was decorating an apartment….. is what you see below… folding fabric (or pattern you cut SAME size as pillow form – NOT larger for seam allowances!) in quarters, then trimming 1/2″ off at corners to nothing half way along each of the 2 sides or loose ends and you get this:

Believe me – it WORKS! Then – take 1/2″ seam allowances and you’ll end up with a VERY nice, SQUARE rather than POINTY cornered pillow, fully and tightly stuffed pillow!

She also had lots of pictures of pleated treatments – and most seemed to be Box Pleats. That made me think of the handy dandy Simflex Gauge that I finally have back in stock… for marking things like pleats. Wonderful – marvelous -super dooper – can’t live without it notion. If you don’t have one – order quickly! I’m definitely packing them this weekend to go along to the American Sewing Guild Conference in Atlanta.

Working hard on new jackets – and making Refined™ into a Talking Pattern™…

For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads –

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