Check out my final trimmed and sewn ‘Onesie’ for granddaughter Kenzie’s Aug. 7 birthday! It’s been ‘in process’ for some time since we live 7 hours away. Of course you’ll get to see it ‘all together’ on the beautiful model, but we’ll both just have to wait.
Today, I finished the Onesie – and I must say, I think it’s pretty darned cute – but it will be even cuter on our baby!

And the Tutu, Hair Band and Panties…..I’ll share more details on them in another post, but first the Onesie.

Design of Onesie
Dear Daughter had sent me an image she’d seen on Pinterest, and had actually ordered a Onesie with just the script ‘One’ in a metallic gold, but it was just too big. I had to look high and low to just find a single, white Onesie. I could buy a set of 5 – but I didn’t NEED a set of 5 – and neither does my granddaughter. I totally lucked out when I went into Big Lots and found just one on a rack – for $1.32!!!
Let it be known that this ‘One’ cursive word would have been very easy if I had one of the cutting machines, but, that is a tool I dare not tempt myself with as my plate and studio are full enough as it is. Sew…
I traced the purchased script ‘One’ from the purchased Onesie, and then made it smaller, by eye. Here is my ‘pattern’, which then I traced over with a black marker so I could easily see the lines from the reverse since I knew I would be adding a paper-backed fusible on a piece of fabric.

2. Since this seems pretty intricate, I decided to machine baste the paper-backed fusible to the fabric. Then, I very carefully cut it out as you can see. Afterwards, I removed the basting, then the paper backing, and it was time to fuse it onto the Onesie.

3. I used a tear-away stabilizer on the back of the Onesie, and did a typical ‘old time’ small applique zigzag stitch with white rayon thread.
4. The yellow sheer ruffle at the center front of the ruffle is of the organza that I used in the TuTu. To keep it from being scratchy, I created it with a fold at the upper edge. Bias 1.25″ strips were used to bind the front under the ruffle, the back neck, and then the sleeves edges. Here is how I did it….

*I stitched the right side of the binding to the wrong side of the ribbing on the Onesie, then wrapped it around the binding and pressed
*Next, I turned under the raw edge, covering the ribbing. Since the sleeve edge circumference was so tiny, I hand-basted it into place.

*For the finish, I used the Buttonhole Stitch with stitch length of 2.0 and stitch width of 2.5. See from the picture that the only way to work with a small circumference is to do it from the inside of the ‘tube’ instead of the outside.

Kam Snaps Added
I became aware of Kam Snaps with my work with Days for Girls, as that is the snap that is used on the menstrual shields. THEY ARE AWESOME!!!! Once in, they DO NOT COME OUT! If these had existed when I was sewing for my 2 little ones, I would have used them exclusively. I added them at the shoulders just to hold things together, yet still leave a way for the neckline to ‘get larger’ for pulling over the baby’s head. If you look hard, I think you can see them at each side of the yellow ruffle in the picture below. The single pink organza flower ‘connects’ with the headband trim and the Panties, PLUS, it covers up a spot on the ‘O’ that I had to kinda patch. 😉

Baby Kenzie was a moving target at our fitting, but here she is…. She is standing on her own but hasn’t let go yet to take steps and walk. I’m confident she’s waiting to do that for Nana and PopPop!

My next Blog Post will be on the details of the Tutu, Pantie, and Hair Band.