Today, I share with you the Alabama Chanin look for the HOME.
It is a wondrous thing to see how a designer takes her ‘medium’ – in this case, cotton jersey, and interprets it in many ways and for many uses. Natalie Chanin has done an amazing job in her Factory at Florence, AL where we visited this summer. Let me share it with you…

A bit of SILK has snuck into The Factory…
I was charmed by this old chair with a woven seat created of silk ties.

Overhead – a VERY interesting chandelier:

And the Dining Chairs in the restaurant were woven with strips of the cotton jersey.

Ball of Cotton Jersey Strips
Here’s all you need to do your own chairs. And yes, you can read upside-down: $216.

Jersey Strip Rolling Examination
Left: crosswise strips roll to the right side of the stockinette jersey fabric
Right: lengthwise strips roll to the wrong side of the stockinette jersey fabric

How about a WREATH?
This one really caught my eye. I can see it with a mix of colors – for most any season. The strips were tied to a metal wreath base.

Beauty in Simplicity

Potholders: I really do kinda love the tufts of ‘ends’. How about you?

I make it a rule to always check out the Ladie’s Restroom Decor
My trip at AC did not disappoint. This table was crazy Cool! Actually ‘drilled’ and ‘stitched’ with twine!!!!! Loved it – absolutely loved it, even though roosters are not my ‘thing’.

The table top close up:

Return Tomorrow for Part III – The CLOTHING of Alabama Chanin.
Take some deep breaths if you are into ‘texture’ as I am, cause these will steal your breath away – I promise. Sneak Peak:

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