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Teaching Kids to Sew – Londa’s Techniques & Projects

Alexa had a great time - see this precious picture she made me!

Alexa had a great time – see this precious picture she made me!


Christy (and her wonderful Mom) crafted this memento I’ll ALWAYS treasure!

In preparation for an upcoming move/downsizing in the next year, I’m ‘cleaning out’.  My heart ached, some tears flowed,  and TEACHING KIDS 2 SEW AGAIN got put on my ‘Bucket List’  when I came across precious mementos from past sewing students (kids) from years ago at my storefront and then in my basement ‘studio’.  At least…for now I am most happy to SHARE some of those experiences in my Camp WannaSew Teaching Curriculum.  I did that in my last NEWSLETTER at my website, and the response has been AMAZING!

Teaching Kids to sew is SEW Rewarding!

Teaching Kids to sew is SEW Rewarding!

Teaching Kids to SEW is an amazingly FUN thing to do! My Camp WannaSew Teaching Curriculum including project directions in PDF format is selling like hotcakes. Don’t miss this PDF product – the best $10 you can spend for my ‘tried and true’ methods and philosophy I developed during 13 years in my storefront PLUS 3 years in my basement ‘Studio’. I share some ‘out of the box’ thinking and techniques…things you’d never have thought of without ‘experience in the trenches’ like: 1. Do NOT have the kids bring their ‘own’ supplies! 2. Do NOT start out teaching them how to thread their machines! Read to #3

3. Teach them NOT to cut thread (which so many of them cutely call ‘string’!) unless they have it pulled out at least as far as the bed of the machine is – then cut close to fabric (to eliminate needle unthreading). Other than that, they see me thread the machines for them over and over, and get it by ‘osmosis’. I don’t get hung up on this. Machine operation – threading – is NOT lots of fun. (Maybe for boys).

Wanna know more? Click at the link below to order this PDF for automatic, QUICK Delivery!…/pro…/camp-projects-londa-pdf/

The BEST book I've found for projects for kids to sew!

The BEST book I’ve found for projects for kids to sew!

Sewing Machine Fun for Kids is a great little book I’ve used over the years that includes 13 kid friendly projects.  Games, puzzles, stitching practice pages increase kids’ sewing knowledge and abilities.  The projects build on skills learned as kids work their way through the book.

 SAVE $5 when you order BOTH of these products!   Place them BOTH in your shopping cart at, then when you checkout – enter this Discount Coupon Code:  kidslove2sew for your $5 SAVINGS!

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