OK – I’ve been collecting fabric, photos, ideas, trims for almost a year now – and over the last 2 weeks I have been immersed in making and embellishing T-Shirts. There are many great fashionable T-Shirts out there, but personally, I think the prices they’re asking are HORRENDOUS!
Sew… here is my ‘stash’, ‘collection’, ‘resource center’ – whatever you want to call it…

Some – but not all of my ‘raw materials’

Categorizing my ideas…not sure what format my information/patterns will take…

my ‘fancy’ basement ‘studio’
Yep – here is where I work. I call it a ‘creative mess’. It’s what I have – so I work with it. SOME day – perhaps I’ll have a real workroom with SUNLIGHT, but for now – I consider myself lucky to have room to spread out.
I’d created 4 T’s, but was anxious to get to the ‘artsy’ stuff …so the last 2 days I moved from my basement to the first floor for the ‘artsy’ part, as I needed water nearby.

Ready to delve into paints, stencils, rubbings, foiling, Paintstiks….

Fabrics have taken over the kitchen table, post notes with ideas…
Stay Tuned…at this point, I have 4 done, 3 almost done, and at least 6 more ‘started’. The upstairs bamister/railing is the ‘drying’ rack for fabric that has been embellished with Paintstiks, discharge paste, etc.
I’m VERY excited about my ideas – just wish my ‘civic’ duty of jury duty wasn’t coming up starting Monday for 2 weeks.
And then…well, there’s Christmas gifts to find, create, wrap, etc. etc.
I’m just thankful I am healthy and have the opportunity to design – I’m in my ‘heaven’ for now…lucky, lucky me!