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T-Shirt Embellishments…Design process BEGINS

OK – I’ve been collecting fabric, photos, ideas, trims for almost a year now – and over the last 2 weeks I have been immersed in making and embellishing T-Shirts.  There are many great fashionable T-Shirts out there, but personally,   I think the prices they’re asking are HORRENDOUS!

Sew… here is my ‘stash’, ‘collection’, ‘resource center’ – whatever you want to call it…

Stash...Collection...Resource Center

Some – but not all of my ‘raw materials’

Folders of ideas

Categorizing my ideas…not sure what format my information/patterns will take…

my 'fancy' basement 'studio'

my ‘fancy’ basement ‘studio’

Yep – here is where I work.  I call it a ‘creative mess’.  It’s what I have – so I work with it.  SOME day – perhaps I’ll have a real workroom with SUNLIGHT, but for now – I consider myself lucky to have room to spread out.

I’d created 4 T’s, but was anxious to get to the ‘artsy’ stuff …so the last 2 days I moved from my basement to the first floor for the ‘artsy’ part, as I needed water nearby.

Ready to delve into paints, stencils, rubbings, foiling, Paintstiks....

Ready to delve into paints, stencils, rubbings, foiling, Paintstiks….

Fabrics have taken over the kitchen table, post notes with ideas...

Fabrics have taken over the kitchen table, post notes with ideas…

Stay Tuned…at this point, I have 4 done, 3 almost done, and at least 6 more ‘started’.  The upstairs bamister/railing is the ‘drying’ rack for fabric that has been embellished with Paintstiks, discharge paste, etc.

I’m VERY excited about my ideas – just wish my ‘civic’ duty of jury duty wasn’t coming up starting Monday for 2 weeks.

And then…well, there’s Christmas gifts to find, create, wrap, etc. etc.

I’m just thankful I am healthy and have the opportunity to design – I’m in my ‘heaven’ for now…lucky, lucky me!

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