The Last Jihad and The Last Days by Joel Rosenberg were thrillers based on modern day history and gave me a new insight into the middle eastern conflict. These fictional books so intersect with modern day events and issues = you’ll be amazed and glued to them! I certainly was. In fact, I actually read The Last Days 2 times not even realizing it until more than half way through!!!!! That is how FULL this author packs characters and events into his works.
HIGHLY recommend!
Also – went back into history upon reading of Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington in Sarah Palin’s newest book. I learned oodles about the culture of slavery in U.S. History and certainly have a newfound knowlege and respect for Booker T. Washington. His respect for and elevation of WORK – and work done well was inspiring and refreshing.
For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads –