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'Icing On the Cake' - Couched Detail

During a sewing class here in my Sunroom Sewing Studio with a student, it was SEW MUCH FUN to introduce my student to COUCHING! She was delighted with the EXTRA it adds to her jacket!

Here are some pictures of her jacket - a beautiful 'digital' printed knit.

I also hopped over to my A Londa Original Garment Rack and snapped some pics of garments there that have this delightful trim.... see a few of them below.

Shop these garments at Rock Bottom Prices HERE

Then... I wondered how many garments were hanging in my closet with couched detail----see those pictures in the gallery below.

I think you can see that 'extra' that couched yarn adds to a garment. is pretty inexpensive these days (sadly, made with slave labor all over the world), but only when you MAKE YOUR OWN CLOTHING do you get detail like this!

At my YouTube Channel, I actually have several videos on Couching, but since this one was filmed by experts at the It's Sew Easy studio - so I picked it to share here. I'll share it below.

At my You-Tube channel, I actually have gathered quite a few of my

'Embellishment' videos into a PlayList - see them HERE.

Allow me to remind you that it pays me a few pennies if you just click on an ad when you go to my channel...Honestly, only with that income, can I rationalize keeping muy website up and live. Thanks in advance!

AND - once again, SEND ME TOPICS FOR VIDEOS, and I'll likely tape some more

BACK to my student's jacket.... You can see below the 'Thread Chain' I taught her to crochet with her hands.

Here is my 10 year old video on how to crochet with your fingers....

ALSO - look closely with me at the front of her jacket...The 'grey' bands around the neckline and up the center fronts (also as bands on the sleeves) are actually of the wrong side of this awesome print knit! As you shop fabrics, always keep your eyes peeled to look for fabric whose backside is good-looking as well as the front, as that yields some real creative fun.

To get enough length from the scraps, we had to do some piecing - hence that horizontal short line on the band to the left, below the button.

ANYWAY - that's my Sewing Share for you in this Blog Post. Now I'm off to do an email newsletter with a VERY SPECIAL offer on my Knit DVD, a set of my Terrific T pattern tissue, and YOUR choice of one of my knit pattern booklets.... all for just $18 through May 20, 2024!

REMEMBER, I'm trying to close OUT my stock of books, patterns, DVDs and notions. I did just also re-check my inventory, and took off the SOLD OUT items, so the CLOSE-OUT department is as accurate as I can make it.

Click on the image below to shop this amazing special!!!

I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to receive any emails with what YOU decide to trim up with couching.... YOUR 'icing on the cake'. Send them to me at:

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