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  • Writer's pictureLonda

Dyeing Ribbon & Jacket Kits

Been hard at work! Some of the most fun I’ve ever had – next to motherin’ that is… See my lovely manicure??? That is dye around those lovely nails. We’re also deep into some remodeling here in the house (HAVING it done, by the way – my hubby is NOT handy!). It means new kitchen sink and countertops – on top of which I vow NEVER to do this dyeing thing – so I really got busy last Friday morning and dyed up all the ribbon on hand… I use the ColorHue Dyes I sell in mayo jars of water. I scrunch up, dip, pull out – dip into another color, etc. etc. til I have what I like. Then put into a lingerie bag and into the drier. My hubby then did most of the ironing of them – as the flu bug had me all weekend. These hunks are what you see as they just came out their ‘jars’ – on the island of my kitchen.

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I ALSO yielded, and labored immensely to put together most EVERYTHING needed for a great ONE-OF-A-KIND jacket into KITS! Everything needed (except sweatshirt and monofilament thread and other ‘tools’), but the consumable items for a jacket – snaps, Velcro, interfacing, trims, yarn, buttons, etc. are all assembled FOR you. I even designed the jacket. A pattern I based the jacket on is included with the kit! Then, I designed that specific jacket – pretty much how it will look like – or at least my idea. You can use it as a ‘jumping off’ point. I drew a sketch, labelled it, etc. I took pictures of each kit, and have copies of each of my sketches so that I will be ‘in the know’ if the owner of the kit needs more opinions, has a question, etc. The thing I’m really happy with is that I’ve met a need that was voiced over and over, yet stayed true to my creative mission – and that is ONE – OF – a – KIND! I can hardly describe what FUN IT WAS to dig into my stash and my stock of wonderful NEW stuff (especially the Crone Art Embellishments – Buttons!) to put these together!! AND, I now have some ‘Incomparable Buttons” – ones made by African women that look like ceramic, but are machine washable! See the ones in the African Jacket above.

I did the ‘rough’ part – over a weekend, and you wouldn’t have believed the mess! Nearly drove my hubby crazy – as this all occurs in the basement, and that is where we are living while this remodeling is going on! THEN…. I came back, and one – by – one, did the design work. I now have 36 of these assembled – to go with me to the Puyallup Sewing & Stitchery Expo. If a success – I’ll constantly do more – and offer them with photos as you see, plus a photo of the design. Only task left is to ‘bag’ them nicely – and those bags better come today or tomorrow so I can get this done and have them on a trusty FED EX truck to WA state!

For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads –

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