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DaDA….Up-Cycle Top is DONE!

I pushed through – and actually LOVE this new top. It fits me great, but I truly just do NOT need another top – hence it is ‘up for adoption’. I’ve even made the coordinating rayon print bell bottom pants available.

This was definitely a lesson in ‘pushing through’ vowing to NOT let this project become a UFO – “UnFinished Object”. I sincerely hope that my totally honest sharing of all of my design and construction do’s and RE-Do’s in the daily progress videos will help you WHEN you find yourself in a similar situation. I can almost assure you that, if you do a lot of creative sewing, especially of this nature, that you’ll experience the same challenges – I promise.

Sew…I have to suggest this consideration to you: Do you LOVE everything that you buy in ready-to-wear? I know I sure don’t. And, you can try it on and truly decide if you want to purchase it or not. With sewing, it isn’t like that. You can’t try it on before starting. BUT, that’s the adventure, the experience of it all. Give it a try. Remember, you don’t like every ready-to-wear garment you try on and purchase, so don’t expect to love every garment you make either, up-cycle or ‘regular’ yardage + pattern sewing. When that happens – just chuck it up to experience! Truly…..

Very honestly, here is the challenge before you when you do this type of sewing. The art of combining fabric yardage and pattern style is a skill in and of itself. Add to that a project where you are combining many fabrics, and ones that don’t start as ‘yardage’ at that. PLUS, the fact that you aren’t executing a pattern with pieces and instructions – one has to admit that Up-Cycle sewing of this nature IS a challenge. I encourage you – give it a try – SEVERAL tries, and do NOT be too hard on yourself. Likely what you’re using would have ended up in the landfills anyway, right? So, even if it doesn’t end up in a closet, you will have learned SEW much in the ‘doing’. Sew forth…..

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