I got stopped in my tracks again today…when I attended what turned out to be a ‘Seniors’ type luncheon at the church we are attending. What a blessing it turned out to be! I had convinced myself to take a break from work to go – figuring it could only ‘cost’ me about 1.5 hours of valuable work time…figuring I HAD to get out a newsletter with ALL my clearance inventory up, etc. by a certain (TOO near) date….
Well…the meditation given by the pastor hit me between the eyes! Thanksgiving…the ‘forgotten’ holiday observance! Wow – was he right on! Once Halloween is past – it is full force ahead for Christmas. For us ‘retailers’ out there – that means hustling to get our share of the proverbial ‘Black Friday’ (Day after Thanksgiving retail sales). Online is no different from storefront retailing. Honestly – I HATE what being a retailer has done to my holiday spirit! Sew…I’m gonna try my best to change that, starting with THIS year!
Some Thanksgiving REAL History, folks…
The pastor shared, from research, that in 1621 The first Thanksgiving meal – by the pilgrims was at the conclusion of a time of FASTING (that means NO eating) when they sought God with all their hearts – THANKING him for His provision. Half of them had died…but those that were left were THANKFUL. The end of that FAST was the Thanksgiving Meal.
That is far, far from what has become a day of stuffing ourselves silly and resting in preparation for the craziness of shopping with money we (most likely) do NOT have, for things we do NOT need.
Other interesting Thanksgiving facts can be found at the link above, or HERE
Sew….. I’ve eased up on myself regarding all this crazy pressure to make sales for business year end at this time of Thanksgiving. Instead…
I’m gonna clean out the kitchen pantry tomorrow, clean, and prepare a simple meal to share with some friends. I’ve made a realistic list of the ‘work’ for business I can get done – and by when. Hopefully, we’ll have some more friends over on Sunday (the house should still be clean!), and then on Thanksgiving day – after we share a meal with the parents I’m thankful to still have with us, my hubby and I are going to go to the Urbana High School to serve a Thanksgiving meal to the many, many less fortunate folks in our community.
Above all, my heart will be purposefully THANKFUL for all the provisions for safety, food, and shelter and living in the USA where I am a free person. AFTER that time to be thankful and serve others, I pray that I can remain reasonable and enjoy what CHRISTMAS is all about. Christ – his coming to earth to show us the character of God.
ANd… I’ll start by sending a Christmas Card – a Christian Christmas Card to the ACLU! Tons of Christmas Cards in their mail will freeze theri operations because they’ll have to open them all looking for contributions! I don’t believe in “Holiday Trees’ – they are Christmas Trees! If you don’t already know – it is the ACLU suing the U.S. to take God, Christmas or anything Christian away from us. Join with me in putting Christ back into Christmas!
Join me…their address is: ACLU 125 Broad Street 18th Floor New York, NY 10004
For a true History Lesson on that infamous phrase: “Separation of Church & State” – click on the link below – give it THREE minutes of your time!
For Londa’s books, patterns, and supplies as described in her sewing escapades, please see Londa’s Creative Threads – http://www.londas-sewing.com